
First Draft

The energy problems in Japan

The energy supply is a severe issue in Japan because Japanese self-sufficiency ratio for
energy is only 4%. Japan has been depending on thermal generation, but oil crisises hit the Japanese economics and politics twice in 1970s. The Japanese government is required not to rely on fossil fuels in order to avoid the shocks of the changes of oil’s price. Second problem thermal generation has is the environment matter. The global warming has been increasing its
importance recent years and Kyoto protocol demands Japan to decrease the considerable amount of CO2 emissions which is considered to be a cause of the global warming. Both in terms of security of supply and climate change mitigation, nuclear power has a central role in Japanese
policy. The Japanese government’s target is to increase nuclear generation by 30% (equivalent to 10-13 new nuclear plants) between 2000 and 2010. ( IEA 8) However, nuclear generation has a lot of problems such as radical wastes, safety problems and international relations. The problem is that the amount of energy supply is stable or even increasing in Japan and the Japanese government is not so active in saving energy and sticks to nuclear power. Therefore, in order not to depend on thermal generation and nuclear energy, the Japanese government should encourage the Japanese citizens and companies to save energy more actively, adopt policies to save energy and promote renewable energy.
The problems of thermal generation are well-understood today, so they are seemed to be needless to say. However two of them should be easily mentioned in order to exaggerate why Japan should not depend on thermal generation any more. One is economical matter. Japan has been hit by oil crises twice in 1970s and the Japanese economics greatly damaged. The government decided to be independent of energy. As a result, the ratio occupied by thermal energy is decreasing, but still the influence of changes of oil’s price has great meaning to Japan. Second is the environmental issue. The global warming is one of the most serious issue for international society. Various attempts have been challenged and Kyoto protocol is one of the biggest one. According to Kyoto protocol, Japan is required to decrease its CO2 emission 6% between 2008 and 2012. Unfortunately this target is seemed not to be achieved. If the global warming is advanced, the earth will be the place where human beings cannot live on any longer. Therefore, thermal generation is no more the best energy and Japan should be independent from thermal generation as soon as possible.
Nuclear power, the Japanese government has been energetically promoting as a solution of security of supply and the global warming, also has serious problems. First, the most serious problem is nuclear waste. Nuclear waste is produced in the operation of nuclear reactors. It can damage human tissue, and a very high dose can cause loss of appetite, illness and even death. (Hodgson 71) It is therefore necessary ensure that nuclear waste do not escape into the atmosphere or enter the food chain. The problem is how to ensure that nuclear waste does not harm human. It takes for so long, thousands of year or more, that nuclear waste changes harmless. For that reason, nuclear waste is encased in stainless steel cylinders, surrounded by concrete and buried deep underground in a stable rock formation. However, Japan does not have appropriate place which is safe to bury nuclear waste because of the earthquakes or volcanoes. Second important problem is security of nuclear plants. In 1995 the operation of the prototype FBR (Monju) was suspended following a sodium leakage. In addition, in 1999, at the Tokai Mura fuel facility two workers died resulting from an accident and other workers and many residents nearby were exposed to radiation. Security system of nuclear plants in Japan is not necessarily well-organized enough. Thirdly the Japanese government should keep good relationships with other countries to retain nuclear plants. China and South Korea is concerned that Japan is going to arm with nuclear weapons. North Korea has missile which is able to reach Japan and attack nuclear plants.
Both of thermal generation and nuclear generation have serious problems. Then one of the reasonable answer to the question which energy to be chosen is saving energy. Saving energy may be considered to be “patient” or give up developing economics, but it is misunderstanding. Two third of the energy generated in Japan is not consumed wastefully. It is possible to use these energy efficiently. The other noticeable answer is renewable energy. Renewable energy is defined as energy derived from resources that are regenerative or for all practical purposes can not be depleted. Renewable energy includes solar power, wind power, water power, geothermal power, biofuel and so on. The Japanese government should aid the development of these renewable energy.
Japan does not have energy resources. It cannot be denied that nuclear generation the government has been promoting is unavoidable choice and greatly contributes to Japanese energy supply. However, it is time to stop using energy freely and reduce the amount of energy demand. By saving energy, Japan does not have to build more nuclear plans. Therefore, the Japanese government should encourage saving energy more actively and stop promoting nuclear energy.

Revise outline

Thesis statement
Therefore, in order not to depend on thermal generation and nuclear energy, the Japanese government should encourage the Japanese citizens and companies to save energy more actively, adopt policies to save energy and promote renewable energy.


I Introduction
A) background information
B) thesis statement

II the problems of thermal generation
A) the risk of Japanese depending on fossil fuels
B) the risk of promoting the global warming

III the problems of nuclear generation
A) nuclear waste
B) security problems
1) the accidents
2) international relations

IV the methods how to save the energy
A) decreasing the waste of energy
B) model of european countries

V renewable energy
A) the possibility of renewable energy in Japan
B) the difficulty of renewable energy in Japan

VI Conclusion