
minor assignment8 final draft


Theme Writhing

Owen James

February 21st 2007

The energy problems in Japan

The energy supply is a severe issue in Japan because Japanese self-sufficiency ratio for
energy is only 4%. Japan has been depending on thermal generation, but oil crisises hit the Japanese economics and politics twice in 1970s. The Japanese government is required not to rely on fossil fuels in order to avoid the shocks of the changes of oil’s price. Second problem thermal generation has is the environment matter. The global warming has been increasing its importance recent years and Kyoto protocol demands Japan to decrease the considerable amount of CO2 emissions which is considered to be a cause of the global warming. Both in terms of security of supply and climate change mitigation, nuclear power has a central role in Japanese policy. The Japanese government’s target is to increase nuclear generation by 30% (equivalent to 10-13 new nuclear plants) between 2000 and 2010. (Energy Policies of IEA Countries. 8) However, nuclear generation has a lot of problems which are mainly radical wastes and safety problems. The problem is that the amount of energy supply is stable or even increasing in Japan and the Japanese government is not so active in saving energy and sticks to nuclear power. Therefore, in order not to depend on thermal generation and nuclear energy, the Japanese government should encourage the Japanese citizens and companies to save energy more actively, adopt policies to save energy and promote renewable energy.

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