
Working Title. Thesis and Outline

Energy problem in Japan

Thesis statement
In order to prevent the global warming and soften the impact of the changes of oil's prices, the Japanese government should promote Nuclear energy as a main energy in Japan.


I Introduction
A) Background information
B) Thesis statement

II The problems of Nuclear Energy
A) security problems
a) the accidents
b) the national security
B) international relations
C) public opinion

III The possibility of Nuclear energy to prevent the global warming.
A) the current situation of the global warming
B) the role of Thermal Power generation in the global warming
C) the possibility of Nuclear energy

IV Shifting main energy from Thermal Power to Nulear Energy, the impact of a jump of a price in a oil is softened.
A) the history of the infulences of oil's price
a) two oil shocks in Japan
b) the result of evaluation
B) the advantages of Nuclear Energy
a) importing materials from the countries where the politics is safe
b) the current situation of Japan
c) the examples of France

V Conclusion


Research Proposal

Today there are a lot of problems on energy in Japan. Amoung these problems, the most controversial one is about nuclear power. This paper will explore the possibility of nuclear power as a solution to the problems thermal power generation which is now the major energy in Japan has. It seems that shifting the main energy from thermal power to nuclear power will better the environmental problems like the global warming, and soften the impact of a jump in a price of oil. Hodgson's book titled "Nuclear power, Energy and the environment", gives general information aboout energy problems. (1999) Harrison's book titled "Japan's nuclear future", explores the specific problems of nuclear power in Japan. (1996) Thomas's book titled " The realisties of nuclear power", shows the examples of other countries. (1988) These sources validate the thesis of my essay at this stage in my research.



I have found three sourses for my essay so far.

1. The realisties of Nuclear Power Thomas S.D.
2. Japan's nuclear future Selig S. Harrison
3. Rethinking Energy Security in East Asia Paul B. Stares

I can expect to get information about the fundamental things of nuclear power from 1.
2 gives me information about the Japanese case of nuclear power.
3 makes me considering about the security problem of nuclear power which I think is one of the most important problems.

Scratch outline

Posible topics
1. Energy problem in Japan
2. The working system in Japan
3. "Yutori" education in Japan

the most interesting topic for me is no1 " Energy problem in Japan"

15questions for No1

1. How much does Japan rely on oil?
2. Does the price of oil affect on Japanese economics?
3. Does the price of oil affect on Japanese politics?
4. Can nuclear power be an alternative as a mail energy?
5. Is nuclear power safe?
6. Does not nuclear power cost a lot?
7. What is the current situation of nuclear power in Japan like?
8. What does the Japanese people think of nuclear power?
9. Which energy is kind to the environment, oil or nuclear power?
10. What problems does the fuel energy have?
11. What problems does nuclear power have?
12. Are not there any other alternatives, for example natural energy?
13. What are the problems natural energy have?
14. Is it possible to make natural energy become main energy in Japan?
15. What about other countries?