
Working Title. Thesis and Outline

Energy problem in Japan

Thesis statement
In order to prevent the global warming and soften the impact of the changes of oil's prices, the Japanese government should promote Nuclear energy as a main energy in Japan.


I Introduction
A) Background information
B) Thesis statement

II The problems of Nuclear Energy
A) security problems
a) the accidents
b) the national security
B) international relations
C) public opinion

III The possibility of Nuclear energy to prevent the global warming.
A) the current situation of the global warming
B) the role of Thermal Power generation in the global warming
C) the possibility of Nuclear energy

IV Shifting main energy from Thermal Power to Nulear Energy, the impact of a jump of a price in a oil is softened.
A) the history of the infulences of oil's price
a) two oil shocks in Japan
b) the result of evaluation
B) the advantages of Nuclear Energy
a) importing materials from the countries where the politics is safe
b) the current situation of Japan
c) the examples of France

V Conclusion

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