
Scratch outline

Posible topics
1. Energy problem in Japan
2. The working system in Japan
3. "Yutori" education in Japan

the most interesting topic for me is no1 " Energy problem in Japan"

15questions for No1

1. How much does Japan rely on oil?
2. Does the price of oil affect on Japanese economics?
3. Does the price of oil affect on Japanese politics?
4. Can nuclear power be an alternative as a mail energy?
5. Is nuclear power safe?
6. Does not nuclear power cost a lot?
7. What is the current situation of nuclear power in Japan like?
8. What does the Japanese people think of nuclear power?
9. Which energy is kind to the environment, oil or nuclear power?
10. What problems does the fuel energy have?
11. What problems does nuclear power have?
12. Are not there any other alternatives, for example natural energy?
13. What are the problems natural energy have?
14. Is it possible to make natural energy become main energy in Japan?
15. What about other countries?

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